Migration Update for API Users
API Users will need to update a few things ahead of the migration
SX Bet is moving from Polygon to its forever home on SX Network on Monday August 29th, 2022. This move has been a year in the making and we are thrilled to be pushing this update before the Fall sports season picks up.
If you just interact with SX.Bet via the website, there’s nothing you need to do apart from bridging your tokens onto SX Network. We will make this as easy as possible through the site and with plenty of user support.
If you are an API user, there are a few important announcements and changes required on your end.
Three Breaking Changes for API users
1. Odds ladder
As part of our commitment to a fair and transparent exchange, we are implementing an odds ladder to help combat front-running of top market makers. All the details are can be found here, complete with code samples. If you’re offering odds on the exchange, this affects you. You’ll need to change your code to only post odds on intervals of 0.1%.
2. Token address changes
Since we are moving to a new network, the token addresses will be changing. The same tokens are supported, but the `baseToken` sent in requests will have to change to the new addresses. Check out the metadata endpoint for up to date addresses at all times. You’ll have to use our secure bridge to move your assets over as well.
New Token Addresses:
“WETH”: 0xA173954Cc4b1810C0dBdb007522ADbC182DaB380
“USDC”: 0xe2aa35C2039Bd0Ff196A6Ef99523CC0D3972ae3e
“WSX”: 0xaa99bE3356a11eE92c3f099BD7a038399633566f
3. SportX.bet API (app.api.sportx.bet) deprecation
As part of our rebrand, we moved our domain to sx.bet, and our new API is hosted at api.sx.bet. When we move to SX Network, we will be officially deprecating the old API endpoint and only using api.sx.bet.
If you are still using the API endpoint “app.api.sportx.bet”, please migrate to api.sx.bet.
After the migration, it will no longer work.
Migrating to SX Network
SX.Bet is set to migrate over to SX Network in the coming weeks! This exciting transition sets the stage for the future of SX.Bet and the future of blockchain prediction markets. The migration for traditional bettors on the platform, who interact with SX.Bet through the website, will be seamless. These users will just need to bridge funds from Polygon to SX Network using the official SX Network bridge.
Users who connect to SX.Bet using the API will require some backend adjustments once the migration to SX Network is completed. These adjustments are a result of crucial SX.Bet improvements. The SX.Bet team is here to help with this migration, please see the outlined adjustments to the API below. We hope you are as excited as we are to enter the next phase of SX.Bet!
These changes will be a vital part of the growth of SX.Bet and we are excited for what is to come as we transition to SX Network!
Happy Betting,
SX Team